NEO Network
What is Roku? Check it out at! Roku is an inexpensive device that is purchased for around $50-80 from retailers (Wal_Mart) or from the website. It is a small little box that gets plugged into your TV set the same way a DVD or Blueray player would be hooked up. It requires a Wi-Fi and a Hi-Speed internet connection to be used. There are no other required costs in owning a Roku player to receive hundreds of channels with movies, videos and endless hours of FREE entertainment! The NEO Network, on Roku, is 100% FREE to it's viewers! Roku has already sold over 3 million Roku player devices across the USA and the world, it is already a household name and giving cable stations as we know them today a serious run for their money! Many cable subscribers are closing their cable accounts and switching to Roku! Why not! It's super programming with many of the same shows found on cable networks!
The NEO Network is brand new and our projected viewing audience for our first month exceeds 16,000 views on our channel! That is some serious advertising clout for your sponsors!
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